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Returning Consignors 

* Click on Consignor Log In 
* Under Activites- Register For Our Upcoming Sale
* Submit Consignor Registration box 
* Confirm Consignor Information box and submit 
* Agree to Seller Agreement 
* Under Activities - Work with Consigned Inventory 
You will not have anything under Active Inventory now.  It is all under Inactive Inventory at this time.  You can now add anything in the Inactive Inventory category you would like to bring to the Fall Sale.  Remember to take out any times you no longer have- you may have given it away or sold it somewhere else.  Also important to remember is a lot of your inventory is Spring and Summer clothes.  Most of these are items that will not be sold at the Spring/Summer sale.  Do not add this back into your Active Inventory.  You will be combining items you cannot sell and it will change your $Dollar amounts inaccurately.  


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